Decorating Your Roof For The Holidays? Tips For Avoiding Roofing Damage

As the end of November shifts the holiday focus to December, you may be thinking about putting up holiday decorations. If your Christmas decorations include anything rooftop-perched, it's important that you are cautious and take the necessary precautions to protect both yourself and your roof. Before you bust out those decorations, here's a look at some safety tips to avoid accidents and roof damage.

Personal Safety Measures

Don't underestimate the importance of your shoe selection when it comes to caring for your roof. A pair of plain sneakers with rubber soles is the best option when you're working on the roof. Not only do they offer you the best traction, but they'll do the least amount of damage to the roofing tile. Before you go up there, you may want to call your roofing contractor to do a thorough inspection and identify any damage or weak spots.

Test your ladder for stability before you climb. It shouldn't wobble. Have someone on the ground hold it for you while you climb to make sure that it doesn't shift.

Lighting it Up Safely

Before you start putting any lights up, you should measure the perimeter of the roof. This will ensure that you have enough lights to cover the entire space. The last thing you want is to have to get back up there again because you didn't have enough lights the first time. The less you walk on the tiles, the better.

Test all of your lights and inflatables before you put them on the roof. That way, you can be sure that everything is working as it is intended to. While you're testing the lights, you should also make sure that the lights you're using have UL certified cords. This is important, because such cords prevent electrical shorts and the potential for a roof fire.

Talk to your roofing contractor about what types of nails are the best to secure the lights. The last thing you want to do is cause damage to your roof by hanging them with something that's going to leave large holes or other problems behind.

Setting Up Inflatables

If you're going to put inflatables and large ornaments on your roof, you need to be sure that they are anchored and mounted properly. Use the anchor hooks on the inflatables to keep them secure on your roof. These hooks will hold the ornaments in place without destroying your roof tiles. Larger ornaments and decorations can be mounted to plywood first so that you have a flat board to secure to the roof.

With the tips presented here, you can add a sense of holiday spirit to your roof without threatening its structural integrity or damaging the tiles. For more tips, contact a roofing company like Boston Roofing.
